Friday, April 6, 2012

Remember Who You Are...

   Growing up, we were often reminded by my father to remember who we are.  For the longest time I really didn't understand what that meant. I would go through this check list in my head of what I thought it was, thinking... why does he tell us this?  My check list was something like this...
 1. I am a girl
 2. I am Karine, *I would question... does he really think I would forget that?*

   Then later in my early teens when I was able to start making decisions for myself, he explained a little more to me.... REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE... it means, you carry my name.... what you do doesn't just affect you... it affects all of us.

    WHOA! That put a little pressure on me. At first I didn't get it. *How could it affect everyone? Especially if I am the one doing it?* But as time went on and I made mistakes, as we all do, I started to see how some of the things I did brought great disappointment to my parents. Some mistakes I made brought attention to our family and made my parents have to face the things I did, by being responsible parents.
     As  I became a little older, all I wanted to do was to please my parents and make them proud of me. I could see that making good decisions not only did that but I felt good and happy too.

    Now I am a parent of 8 amazing people. Who I have taught this same principle to. *am still teaching too* It is different being on the other side though... where when my children have chosen wrong I have to be the one to stand there and say....I understand they made a mistake... yes I am deeply disappointed in them, however, I know they will learn from this and still become a great person. *it amazes me how much I am prepared to stand up for my children, stand by them, hold their hand even, and still love them unconditionally. To still have that great FAITH in who they are and who they will become*

    Being a grown up *at least that is what others tell me I am * and having made the gospel a very big part of my life. I can see where spiritually all of this could be applied.

    REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE... *spiritually has a whole new look* 
Who are you? I have thought about this for a while... who I am and what that looks like now. Here is my new list.
     1. I am a daughter of a King.
     2. I am of great worth to the Lord
     3. I was made in his image and with great abilities... the things I can do is endless and all possible
     4. I am a person of Faith *where there is fear... faith can not be ... I choose Faith*
     5. I am a Mother of precious children who are also children of my Heavenly Father... He has entrusted me with them.
     6. I am a person of Integrity
     7. I am a person of values and principles
     8. I am a SERVANT! I must choose to serve others *they are my brothers and sisters*
     9. I am a SERVANT of the Lord.... * I choose to do whatever he would ask of me*
     10. I am a loyal person, not only to my friends and family but to my Savior, Jesus Christ.
     11. I am a GOOD person with many talents *some I don't know yet, even at the age of 40 but this is what life is all about... trying new things and finding them*
     12. I am an Heir to Eternity
     13. I have a personal relationship with my Heavenly Father *through prayer and through scriptures*
     14. I am an example to others, a leader *when we think no one is looking, they are, we might not even know we are an example of so different things in our lives that we choose*
     15. I am strong and I know this because when I feel weak I have the faith to go on because through Christ everything is possible.
    16. I am a person with a spirit inside that needs to be continually fed as my body is
    17. I am a Daddy's girl.
    18. I am a daughter, wife, mother, sister and friend.
    19. I am beautiful. *GOD DON'T MAKE NO JUNK*
    20. I am loving and kind
    21. I am smart and have the ability to learn a great deal
    22. I am a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints
    23. I have a forever family and forever marriage
    24. I have a testimony and its very much a part of who I am.
    25. I have a light within myself that I try to shine *thinking positive, being Christ-like*

Oh this list could go on... and to say good things to ourselves is NOT vein. Heavenly Father, even our earthly Fathers and Mothers want us to feel good about ourselves. There is nothing wrong with LIKING YOURSELF! In fact ... its a must if we are to be able to help others or to become true followers of Christ.  How can we be  nothing or be ugly? How can we be stupid or not of worth? WE CAME FROM OUR HEAVENLY FATHER and HE IS AMAZING! We are his LITERAL children. 

When we take the time to think about who we are, it helps us to remember we want to always be doing the things that would be pleasing to our Heavenly Father. When we choose to live righteously and do good things, we will be greatly blessed. We will be able to see and recognize the HAND OF GOD in our lives. We will feel more in tune to the Holy Ghost, who will guide us and help lead us to the paths that will bring us only Eternal peace and happiness! I testify to these things. I  know that how we choose to live and how we choose to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE, will reflect in our lives to those around us. To be able to feel such a pure spirit, as in Jesus Christ, we must be able to feel good about ourselves and know that WE ARE OF GREAT WORTH to HIM because he DIED for us~! HE suffered greatly for all of us to be able to return and be with him. He needs us to remember that and to REMEMBER WHO WE ARE!
    HE is prepared to stand up for us, to stand by us, to hold our hands and to still love us unconditionally. He is the ONE we represent. What we do does affect Him....but I know that when we do stumble and make mistakes, HE is right there, ready to say... I understand she made a mistake... yes I am deeply disappointed in her, however, I know she will learn from this and still become a great person

1 comment:

  1. This was my biggest goal in young women and still is with my kids. I think if they truly know who they are and can see even part of their divine potential they can overcome almost anything.

    Quite the hottie weren't you?
