Sunday, October 7, 2012

Thank you HEIDI!

                           A  week ago we *the healthy challenge group and I*  were challenged by our nutritionist Heidi, to not get on our computers more than twice a day.  Well...that challenge wasn't as hard as it could of been for me, because my computer broke.... *not completely but it wouldn't connect to the Internet and we don't have the money to have someone check it out.*
So...... I have a tablet. which is way smaller and sometimes frustrating for me to use and I have my husbands laptop, which I do not like. So this challenge was easier for me.  I wanted to get on, but couldn't. It kinda took the challenge part out of my hands and made it a "THIS IS HOW IT IS " thing for me.    After some time now, I have realized  I am doing more.  I will be honest, I didn't think I was spending a lot of time on the computer, but looking back now.... I think I spent the majority of my day there.  Crazy! How did I spend so much time on there?  
 I want to say THANK YOU HEIDI and thank you to God that my computer broke. Heidi made a comment to me after it happened that it might be a blessing in disguise. Oh was I upset at first with her for saying that.  "RIGHT A BLESSING???? HELLO!
 Yes it has been a great blessing. A  HUGE BLESSING! I am getting more done around the house that I was neglecting, I am spending more time with my family and children than I did.
 I am not so FUZZY in the brain, which sounds weird, but.... I got to where I wasn't really listening to my children and only heard little bits and pieces, focusing was harder.  I am starting to wonder if all that inactivity were some of the reasons?  
Either way, I am thankful for not being on the computer as much. I have felt better, HAPPIER because I have been more productive.  HAPPIER! did you see that one? Who knew! :)

I have made an exercise room over the weekend and painted a wall I have wanted to paint for a while. :)  It feels good. So good, that I told my husband, I feel like I have shut the world out! It FEELS GOOD!   I am not missing out on anything like I thought I would be. People who are really in my life are IN MY LIFE! Calling me, coming over and connecting with me the old fashion way.  That is how its suppose to be. I know when we get our computer fixed, I want to stick to the rule of no more than twice a day. I might even only do it once in a while or once a day :)  I am filling my life up with things that matter... LIKE MY CHILDREN!

 MY FRIENDS! THE GOSPEL :)   It feels good to feel like I am back to me or my old self... a part of me that has been missing for a while. This one challenge has really helped me and changed me for the better. THANK YOU THANK YOU AGAIN HEIDI! I have needed this OLD ME BACK :)

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