I have often thought of all those I have loved and lost in this world. What it must be like for them... where they are, what they are doing... what they see. When I was at my daughters high school graduation, I felt so many of my relatives that are on the other side with me. I imagined all the people screaming and shouting for the child graduating... to be all the people who have gone before us.... cheering for us, or welcoming us through the veil. Not even through the veil... but in life. Praying with us and for us. Being there next to us when we feel so alone. Cheering us on and participating in our JOYOUS moments.
I saw many families gathered together at the graduation, in groups. Sitting together prepared to shout and cheer on that one person they came to support. I felt very over whelmed thinking about all the many UNSEEN people that were there, with those families... ready and able to do the same. My heart felt warm and my spirit felt light and I was thankful for I knew we too were not alone.
My Father died of lung cancer... he promised to always be there for every important event in my children's lives. HE has kept that promise. I have felt him so strongly at the most unexpected moments. That sweet moment of knowing... TRULY KNOWING he was there... he witnessed it... he loved me... he kept his promise.... we are still just as important to him there as we were when he was here. He continues to be with us from time to time and I know he will be around till the day we can be reunited again.
I have always taught my children since they were young that angels are among us and always with us .That some are even family that have gone before. When my mother came to visit. We talked about many wonderful family stories that were pasted down from generation to generation of just that. One is of one of my distant relatives who was a nurse and brought babies into the world. Mid wife was her real status. She delivered a thousand and she would go by horse drawn sleigh, in a wagon or on a back of a horse. Some were as close as a farm away and some were over the mountains. One night she was riding over the mountain and a lightning storm came and scared her horse. She swore that she was going to go off the mountain and die... but she looked and saw a MAN grabbing the horse reins and he led the horse back to a safe path. The thing is... there was NO MAN. We believe it was an angel. She did make it to deliver the child on the other side of the mountain too.
I know of many sacred experiences I have had that has shown me I am never alone. I feel so sad when I hear or read that someone feels ALONE. Yes this world can be hard at times and lonely even. But I know with all that I am that we are NEVER ALONE. That our Heavenly Father loves us and that we have many angels with us, we just can't always see them or feel them. Just like we can't see air that we breathe, it is there.... so are angels!
When I worry about my Mother leaving me in this life and going on to the next, I get emotional and sad. But I really try to focus on the reunion she will have. The many people who have gone before her and are waiting to embrace her. I can only imagine the beauty of it all. The pain of loosing her children disappearing for forever and holding them in her arms again. Seeing her parents, my father.... and so so many. I liken that to the day we are with Christ. What joy shall fill my heart! How wonderful it will be to have the veil lifted and all that was forgotten to be remembered. What a blessing that will be. How great our joy will be and to be able to look around and see each other in a different light than with earthly eyes. I look forward to that day...so very much for myself.
I am thankful for knowing of the truth that we are not alone. For knowing and having the gift to see through the veil and for knowing that we are so loved.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
quick catch up.....
Kalene graduated from High school... in the top 10 :) So proud of her. She lettered in band too!
My mom has been here visiting for the last 10 days and we have just laughed so much every day and have had fun! I just love having her here. I am going to miss her. She leaves tomorrow.
Virginia comes in tonight to do a quick visit with my mom and us....
I want to take a family picture with my Mom while she is here but I just haven't found the time yet. I need to so bad!
My mom has had more fun telling my kids stories from our family. Like.... her great great great grandpa who was a pioneer... settled down in Utah and the crickets came.... They ate all the wheat and destroyed every field that layed in their path. My Great x3 Grandpa had great faith.... went out to his field when they came and told the crickets... HE PAID AN HONEST TITHE, THAT THEY COULD EAT EVERYTHING EXCEPT THE WHEAT HEADS!... The next day came and he went out and said, YOU ARE DONE... LEAVE and THEY DID! LEAVING THE WHEAT HEADS ONLY! :) HE SHARED THE PROFITS WITH ALL THE OTHER NEAR BY FARMERS :)
We talked about GOGGI, my grandmother who used to peel a zillion apples and we would all sit around and take turns eating each slice she cut.... while talking .... Yesterday Mom , Kalene and I made dehydrated apples and my apple peeler broke so we sat and did it the old fashion way... thinking and talking about GOGGI :) Sure miss my Grandma!
We talked about my sister.... her death... I think I finally have an understanding exactly what happened when she died.... it was hard to talk about it... My mother and I cried like it was yesterday together.... My mother knew exactly when my sisters spirit left her body... the sacred details of that moment she shared with me... is just amazing.... the things my poor sister endured.... the pain my parents suffered... it was a tragedy... but now I know the full story.. the details I have always worried to ask about because I didn't want to hurt my parents.
we have laughed... played card games.... watched movies... gone shopping, baked and made yummy stuff together.... planned future events, discussed and remembered past events... I have loved every moment that we have shared.... and will share till she leaves our car tomorrow to get on a the plane.
I believe she has found her true match and soul mate in my Step Father WAYNE :) I am so thankful he came into her life. She has gone places and done so many wonderful things because of him. She has really lived since he came into her life. Done things I would of never thought she would try. :)
My mother still is one of the most amazing people I know and I love her like a best friend!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
A powerful prayer....
There is a scripture that I refer to often that is a prayer, it is powerful to me, it is beautiful and I find myself feeling every word very deeply by my soul. I not only feel this prayer and understand it great measure, I liken it to all that I am... from me to being a mother. *if that makes sense to you*
In 2 Nephi chapter 4 verses 28 -35.
28. Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.
29. DO not anger because of mine enemies. Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions.
30. Rejoice, O my heart and cry unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I will praise thee forever; yea, my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
31. O Lord, wilt thou redeem my soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of the hands of mine enemies? Wilt thou make me that I may shake at the appearance of sin?
32. May the gates of hell be shut continually before me, because that my heart is broken and my spirit is contrite! O Lord, wilt thou not shut the gate of thy righteousness before me, that I may walk in the paths of the low valley, that I may be strict in the plain road!
33. O Lord, wilt thou encircle me around in the robe of thy righteousness! O Lord, wilt thou make a way for mine escape before mine enemies! Will thou make my path straight before me ! Wilt thou not place a stumbling block in my way - but that thou wouldest clear my way before me, and hedge not up my way, but the ways of my enemies.
34. O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.
35.Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; There fore I will lift up my voice unto thee; Yea, I will cry unto thee, my God the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine ever lasting God. AMEN.
That scriptural reference in the Book Of Mormon, just touches my soul. I feel every word of that. I can say that prayer for myself, for my parents, my husband, my children and even my friends and I can liken it unto me and all that I am or someone I love... is going through.
It is beautiful. I find great comfort in these words that were prayed for so long ago and that I find myself praying for today in these latter days. I know that Heavenly Father wants us to specifically ask for such blessings. He wants us and needs us to desire such things in our lives, in order for us receive all the blessings he has in store for us. I felt strongly that I should
post about it. I am so thankful for the scriptures and the guidance that it gives me in my life. I am thankful for the spirit I feel every time I read my scriptures and the closeness I feel to my Heavenly Father.
May we all be praying for this kind of spiritual protection and guidance/blessings in our lives.
In 2 Nephi chapter 4 verses 28 -35.
28. Awake, my soul! No longer droop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart and give place no more for the enemy of my soul.
29. DO not anger because of mine enemies. Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions.
30. Rejoice, O my heart and cry unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I will praise thee forever; yea, my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and the rock of my salvation.
31. O Lord, wilt thou redeem my soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of the hands of mine enemies? Wilt thou make me that I may shake at the appearance of sin?
32. May the gates of hell be shut continually before me, because that my heart is broken and my spirit is contrite! O Lord, wilt thou not shut the gate of thy righteousness before me, that I may walk in the paths of the low valley, that I may be strict in the plain road!
33. O Lord, wilt thou encircle me around in the robe of thy righteousness! O Lord, wilt thou make a way for mine escape before mine enemies! Will thou make my path straight before me ! Wilt thou not place a stumbling block in my way - but that thou wouldest clear my way before me, and hedge not up my way, but the ways of my enemies.
34. O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.
35.Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; There fore I will lift up my voice unto thee; Yea, I will cry unto thee, my God the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine ever lasting God. AMEN.
That scriptural reference in the Book Of Mormon, just touches my soul. I feel every word of that. I can say that prayer for myself, for my parents, my husband, my children and even my friends and I can liken it unto me and all that I am or someone I love... is going through.
It is beautiful. I find great comfort in these words that were prayed for so long ago and that I find myself praying for today in these latter days. I know that Heavenly Father wants us to specifically ask for such blessings. He wants us and needs us to desire such things in our lives, in order for us receive all the blessings he has in store for us. I felt strongly that I should
post about it. I am so thankful for the scriptures and the guidance that it gives me in my life. I am thankful for the spirit I feel every time I read my scriptures and the closeness I feel to my Heavenly Father.
May we all be praying for this kind of spiritual protection and guidance/blessings in our lives.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
a Crazy, Interesting Day.....
Yesterday turned out to be very interesting. What a day! It started Monday night. At my second daughters Honor Chord Ceremony.
Anyhow... I am so excited and being the PROUD MOMMA I AM, I send out this huge group text to many close friends and ONE UNCLE.
Everyone writes back congrats and their wonderful comments of love and support except my Uncle. Which I didn't think anything of till the next day when I get this text....
it said, "If you text back OK or THANKS and make me look at my phone again I'll kill you in your sleep."
That text was followed by this text, " So your kids are smart. Big deal. I hope you trip and scrape your knee."
So for the first moment after receiving these I was like..hmmm... I must of forgot the time difference and sent him the group text too late. He lives in Maryland... 2 hour time difference. So I reply to him saying I am sorry I didn't realize what time it was when I sent out my message. Didn't think anything else of it after that... the second one is my Uncle. He is a joker. He was being silly with me. That is just how he says CONGRATS... We have an interesting relationship.
So I jump on face book to find that one of my friends *that was on that group text message I sent out * had posted something that said, " SINCE WHEN DID SPAM TEXTING BECOME OK? Especially in such serious light?" (disclaimer, she said something like that can't remember her exact words)
All these people had told her to call the police and report it.
WAIT! It gets better..... So I have blonde want to be moments and YES FOR A SECOND I HAD ONE! I post and say... "WOW I got the same text but had no idea it was spam, I thought it was my Uncle."
SECONDS LATER... my phone rings... it was this friend. She asked if my Uncles number was yada yada... and I reply Yes... she takes the post down from face book and was upset over it. Not just because of what was said but that he said it to me. (I have the worlds best friends!) So I explain to her he is just old and its his way of joking. She said she texted him and got back that it was meant for his DAUGHTER? *the first one about killing*
I then realized that he hit REPLY ALL to my text and that EVERYONE OF MY FRIENDS GOT THAT MESSAGE!!!!!! YIKES!
I immediately text everyone to ignore that message it was my OLD Uncle who doesn't get texting and he has a silly personality. That it was all a joke.
Well... I guess he got several EAR FULLS by the end of the day.
To make things even funnier... my friend from Jersey didn't see my text. She sees his first text about killing you in your sleep and she CALLS HIM!
She asks, " WHO IS THIS????????" he replies... She is stunned because his last name is my maiden name and for second she was confused... she then lays into him! This is what she said...
" HOW DARE YOU TEXT ME SUCH A THREAT! I AM CONSIDERING CALLING THE POLICE ON YOU!!!!!!" His response: " MA'AM, I am so so sorry. I don't know how but so many people got that text and it was meant for my daughter."
His response, "I won't I promise, I am going to call Verizon as soon as we get off the phone to figure this out. I am so sorry."
the conversation ends... then she sees the second text... freaks out.. .doesn't realize it was from my UNCLE and panics while running around....thinking...."WHO KNOWS MY KIDS ARE SMART?"
then sees my text... dies laughing almost wets herself from laughing so hard and calls me!
OH MY GOSH! I haven't laughed so hard in my life. I needed that! I feel bad for my Uncle. He is a great guy. I really do love him! He is my very favorite Uncle in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! His corky little personality always makes me smile and yesterday it gave me a great laugh and several friends a heart attack!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Jeepers... Creepers....
Are you a Prankster? We sorta are... AS A FAMILY...we have a silly personality and find great humor in freaking each other out. :) My husband and I have done this since we were dating. It started with little black spiders... which randomly would be found somewhere... on a bed, pillow, soap, in food or our favorite chair. You name it we did it!
In a pile of dirty dishes......
In the fridge.....

So now its a snake... a rubber one :) Here are a few places we have found ours... and Yes... it still freaks us out :)
In the cupboard where the vitamins and medicine are.....In a pile of dirty dishes......
In the fridge.....
and on the floor. ... from a distances it looks real!
The floor one really freaked me out one day! Nothing like opening a cupboard and it kinda jumps out at ya... Yes we have fun here... :) SO much.... I am planning under the covers tonight for my husband :) HEE HEE HEE :)
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